Homepage of Fabrice Matulic

I am a Senior Researcher at Preferred Networks Inc., Japan, and Assistant Professor at the University of Waterloo, Canada, in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Extended Reality (XR) and applied AI. I have over 20 years of international experience leading research projects across academia and industry in six countries, resulting in several award-winning publications at top-tier HCI conferences and patents. My current work explores novel interactive experiences and techniques that leverage the power of AI, mainly in XR, but also for interactive surfaces and embodied interaction.

HCI for Machine Learning

Preparing and preprocessing source data to train neural networks can require considerable manual labour and expertise. We create intuitive user interfaces and techniques to facilitate some of those tasks, including data labelling and augmentation.

Related Publications
  • Wataru Kawabe, Taisuke Hashimoto, Fabrice Matulic, Takeo Igarashi, Keita Higuchi. Interactive Material Annotation on 3D Scanned Models leveraging Color-Material Correlation, SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 TC (Paper: pdf, video: video)

  • Kotaro Oomori, Wataru Kawabe, Fabrice Matulic, Takeo Igarashi, Keita Higuchi. Interactive 3D Annotation of Objects in Moving Videos from Sparse Multi-view Frames, ISS 2023 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

  • Keita Higuchi, Taiyo Mizuhashi, Fabrice Matulic, Takeo Igarashi. Interactive Generation of Image Variations for Copy-Paste Data Augmentation, CHI 2023 LBW (Extended Abstract: pdf, video: video)

Dexterous Finger Gestures to Manipulate Mobile Phones

This research explores single-handed "dexterous gestures" for manipulating a mobile phone using fine motor skills of fingers. We consider four dexterous manipulations: shift, spin, rotate, and flip, which we analyse in three user studies. We provide design guidelines to map gestures to interactions and show how they can be used in applications.

Related Publication
  • Yen-Ting Yeh, Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel. Phone Sleight of Hand: Finger-Based Dexterous Gestures for Physical Interaction with Mobile Phones, CHI 2023 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Pen+Touch+Midair Hybrid Two-Hand Interaction in desktop VR

We explore a design space for hybrid bimanual pen and touch input extended to midair interaction in desktop-based virtual reality, specifically, asymmetric interaction patterns combining the pen with the other hand when interacting in the same “space” (either surface or midair), across both spaces, and with cross-space transitions (from surface to midair and vice versa). We concretely investigate those interactions and associated gestures with three testbed applications for 3D modelling, volumetric rendering, and terrain editing.

Related Publications
  • Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel. Pen+Touch+Midair: Cross-Space Hybrid Bimanual Interaction on Horizontal Surfaces in Virtual Reality, GI 2023 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

  • Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel. Terrain Modelling with a Pen & Touch Tablet and Mid-Air Gestures in Virtual Reality, CHI 2022 LBW (Extended Abstract: pdf, video: video)

Typealike: Near-Keyboard Hand Postures for Expanded Laptop Interaction

Typealike is a style of hand postures close to natural typing poses that allow users to quickly trigger commands on a laptop computer. The hand postures are detected using deep learning classification of images captured by the laptop's webcam reflected through a downward-facing mirror.

Related Publication
  • Nalin Chhibber, Hemant Bhaskar Surale, Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel. Typealike: Near-Keyboard Hand Postures for Expanded Laptop Interaction, ISS 2021 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Mobile Phones as VR Controllers with Above-Screen Mirrors to Capture and Track Hands for Visualisation in VR

Smartphones can be used as VR controllers but since the user cannot see the phone or their hands when wearing the headset, precise touch input is difficult. We address this problem by attaching one or two mirrors above the phone screen such that the front-facing camera captures the hand through reflection. With a single mirror the camera feed can be shown directly as a texture on the screen of the phone model in VR to help the user aim precisely with their fingers. With two mirrors capturing the hand from two different angles, we can track the 3D position of fingertips using deep learning.

Related Publications
  • Fabrice Matulic, Aditya Ganeshan, Hiroshi Fujiwara and Daniel Vogel. Phonetroller: Visual Representations of Fingers for Precise Touch Input with Mobile Phones in VR, CHI 2021 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

  • Fabrice Matulic, Taiga Kashima, Deniz Beker, Daichi Suzuo, Hiroshi Fujiwara and Daniel Vogel. Above-Screen Fingertip Tracking with a Phone in Virtual Reality, CHI 2023 LBW (Extended Abstract: pdf, video: video)

  • Fabrice Matulic, Taiga Kashima, Deniz Beker, Daichi Suzuo, Hiroshi Fujiwara and Daniel Vogel. Above-Screen Fingertip Tracking and Hand Representation for Precise Touch Input with a Phone in Virtual Reality, GI 2024 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

PenSight: Enhancing Pen Interaction via a Pen-Top Camera

PenSight is a novel concept to enhance pen interaction on tablets using a fisheye-lens camera attached to the top of the pen and facing downwards. Thus, the camera can "see" the user's hands and the surrounding environment. Using deep learning, we can detect different hand postures and tablet grips for quick action triggers and capturing off-tablet content such as surrounding documents.

Related Publications
  • Fabrice Matulic, Riku Arakawa, Brian Vogel and Daniel Vogel. PenSight: Enhanced Interaction with a Pen-Top Camera, CHI 2020 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

  • Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel. Deep Learning-Based Hand Posture Recognition for Pen Interaction Enhancement, Artificial Intelligence for Human Computer Interaction: A Modern Approach, Springer HCIS 2021 (Book chapter: pdf)

Elicitation of Alternative Pen-Holding Postures for Quick Action Triggers with Suitability for EMG Armband Detection

In this project we study what alternative ways of gripping a digital pen people might choose to trigger actions and shortcuts in applications (e.g. while holding the pen, extend the pinkie to invoke a menu). We also investigate how well we can recognise these different pen-holding postures using data collected from an EMG armband and deep learning.

Related Publications
  • Fabrice Matulic, Brian Vogel, Naoki Kimura and Daniel Vogel. Eliciting Pen-Holding Postures for General Input with Suitability for EMG Armband Detection, ISS 2019 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

  • Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel. Deep Learning-Based Hand Posture Recognition for Pen Interaction Enhancement, Artificial Intelligence for Human Computer Interaction: A Modern Approach, Springer HCIS 2021 (Book chapter: pdf)

Human-Robot Interaction for Personal Robots

Smart domestic robots are poised to revolutionise the way household chores and everyday tasks are carried out in the home of the future. Thanks to the recent boom of deep learning and "artificial intelligence", machines are able to autonomously perform increasingly complex tasks. But no matter how smart these robots may be or become, humans still need to engage with them and it is paramount that such interactions occur smoothly and safely. Our research efforts in human-robot interaction aim to not only better support end users (customers) when operating robots in their home, but also facilitate the programming and training of these machines by engineers, technicians and developers.

Related Projects and Publications
  • Naoya Yoshimura, Hironori Yoshida, Fabrice Matulic and Takeo Igarashi. Extending Discrete Verbal Commands with Continuous Speech for Flexible Robot Control, CHI EA 2019 (Extended Abstract: pdf, video: video)

  • Fabrice Matulic, Yuta Kikuchi and Jason Naradowsky. Enabling Customer-Driven Learning and Customisation Processes for ML-Based Domestic Robots, HCML Perspectives Workshop at CHI 2019 (Position paper: pdf)

  • Autonomous Tidying-up Robot System, CEATEC JAPAN 2018 (Project page)

ColourAIze: AI-Driven Colourisation of Paper Drawings with Interactive Projection System

ColourAIze is an interactive system that analyses black and white drawings on paper, automatically determines realistic colour fills using AI and projects those colours onto the paper within the line art. In addition to selecting between multiple colouring styles, the user can specify local colour preferences to the AI via simple stylus strokes in desired areas of the drawing. This allows users to immediately and directly view potential colour fills for paper sketches or published black and white artwork such as comics.

Related Publication
  • Fabrice Matulic. ColourAIze: AI-Driven Colourisation of Paper Drawings with Interactive Projection System, ISS 2018 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Single-Hand Pen and Touch Input Using Variations of Pen-Holding Grips

This work investigates the use of different pen-holding grips while writing and drawing on a tablet to trigger various actions, including changing the pen function (e.g. to select, scroll, search) and calling in-place menus. The postures are recognised when the hand contacts the surface using a deep convolutional neural network applied on the raw touch input data (the capactitive image of the tablet). The feasibility of this approach is confirmed by two user evaluations.

Related Publications
  • Drini Cami, Fabrice Matulic, Richard G. Calland, Brian Vogel, Daniel Vogel, Unimanual Pen+Touch Input Using Variations of Precision Grip Postures, UIST 2018 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

  • Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel. Deep Learning-Based Hand Posture Recognition for Pen Interaction Enhancement, Artificial Intelligence for Human Computer Interaction: A Modern Approach, Springer HCIS 2021 (Book chapter: pdf)

HybridPointing for Touch: Switching Between Absolute and Relative Pointing on Large Touch Screens

CursorTap is a multitouch selection technique to efficiently reach both near and distant targets on large wall displays using hybrid absolute and relative pointing. The user switches to relative mode with three-fingers of one hand while using the other hand to control a cursor, similar to a touchpad.

Related Publication
  • Terence Dickson, Rina R. Wehbe, Fabrice Matulic, Daniel Vogel, HybridPointing for Touch: Switching Between Absolute and Relative Pointing on Large Touch Screens, ISS 2021 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Barehand Mid-air Mode-Switching Techniques in VR

This work presents an empirical comparison of bare hand, mid-air mode-switching techniques suitable for virtual reality (VR). Specifically, we look at what kind of hand/finger postures can efficiently change the type of operation performed by the same action of the dominant hand (e.g. from moving a virtual object with a finger translation to scaling or copying it). We consider common finger and hand motions such as pinching fingers, turning and waving the hand(s)) as switching techniques. Our results provide guidance to researchers and practitioners when choosing or designing bare hand, mid-air mode-switching techniques in VR.

Related Publication
  • Hemant Bhaskar Surale, Fabrice Matulic, Daniel Vogel, Experimental Analysis of Barehand Mid-air Mode-Switching Techniques in Virtual Reality, CHI 2019 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Multiray: Multi-Finger Raycasting for Large Vertical Displays

Multiray is a concept that extends single raycasting for interacting with distant vertical displays to multi-finger raycasting, that is, each finger projects a ray onto the remote display. In particular, with multirays, patterns of ray intersections created by hand postures can form 2D geometric shapes to trigger actions and perform direct manipulations that go beyond single-point selections.

Related Publication
  • Fabrice Matulic, Daniel Vogel, Multiray: Multi-Finger Raycasting for Large Displays, CHI 2018 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Experimental Analysis of Mode Switching Techniques in Touch-based User Interfaces

This project looks at the performance of switching between different functions or modes for touch input (the possibility to rapidly change the output produced by the same touch action). Six techniques are evaluated in sitting and standing conditions: long press, non-dominant hand, two-fingers, hard press, knuckle, and thumb-on-finger. Our work addresses the lack of empirical evidence on the efficiency of touch mode-switching techniques and provides guidance to practitioners and researchers when designing new mode-switching methods.

Related Publication
  • Hemant Bhaskar Surale, Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel, Experimental Analysis of Mode Switching Techniques in Touch-based User Interfaces, CHI 2017 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Hand and Finger Posture-Based Calling and Control of Tabletop Widgets

Tabletop interaction can be enriched by considering whole hands as input instead of only fingertips. In this work, we propose a straightforward, easily reproducible computer vision algorithm to recognise hand contact shapes from the raw touch contact image. The technique is able to discard resting arms and supports dynamic properties such as finger movement and hover. The algorithm is used to trigger, parameterise, and dynamically control menu and tool widgets.

Related Publication
  • Fabrice Matulic, Daniel Vogel and Raimund Dachselt, Hand Contact Shape Recognition for Posture-Based Tabletop Widgets and Interaction, ISS 2017 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Embodied Interactions for Novel Immersive Presentational Experiences

This project is about enhancing live multimedia presentations by integrating presenters in their presentation content as interactive avatars. Using multimodal input, especially body gestures, presenters control those embedded avatars through which they can interact with the virtual presentation environment in a fine-grained fashion, i.e. they are able to manipulate individual presentation elements and data as virtual props. The goal of this endeavour is to create novel immersive presentational experiences for live stage performances (talks, lectures etc.) as well as for remote conferencing in more confined areas such as offices and meeting rooms.

Related Publication
  • Fabrice Matulic, Lars Engeln, Christoph Träger and Raimund Dachselt, Embodied Interactions for Novel Immersive Presentational Experiences, CHI 2016 Late-Breaking Work (Extended Abstract: pdf, video: video)

Smart Ubiquitous Projection: Discovering Adequate Surfaces for the Projection of Adaptive Content

In this work, we revisit the concept of ubuiquitous projection, where instead of considering every physical surface and object as a display, we seek to determine areas that are suitable for the projection and interaction with digital information. We achieve this using mobile projector-cameras units (procams) and a computer vision technique to automatically detect rectangular surface regions with properties that are desirable for projection (uniform, pale, non-reflective, planar etc.). In a next step, we explore body-based interactions to adaptively lay out content in those recognised areas.

Related Publication
  • Fabrice Matulic, Wolfgang Büschel, Michael Ying Yang, Stephan Ihrke, Anmol Ramraika, Carsten Rother and Raimund Dachselt, Smart Ubiquitous Projection: Discovering Surfaces for the Projection of Adaptive Content, CHI 2016 Late-Breaking Work (Extended Abstract: pdf, video: video)

BodyLenses – Embodied Magic Lenses and Personal Territories for Wall Displays

Magic lenses are popular tools to provide locally altered views of visual data. In this work, we introduce the concept of BodyLenses, special kinds of magic lenses for wall displays that are mainly controlled by body interactions. Using body position, arm gestures, distance to the display and classic multitouch on the screen, we show how parameters such as lens position, shape, function and tool selection can be dynamically and intuitively modified by users.

Related Publication
  • Ulrike Kister, Patrick Reipschläger, Fabrice Matulic and Raimund Dachselt, BodyLenses – Embodied Magic Lenses and Personal Territories for Wall Displays, ITS 2015 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Sensing Techniques for Tablet+Stylus Interaction

Using a special grip- and motion-sensitive stylus and a grip-sensitive tablet, we explore a range of novel pen and touch interactions including detecting how the user holds the pen and the tablet, distinguishing between the pen-holding hand and the bare hand, discarding touches caused by resting palms while writing (palm rejection) and a number of contextual gestures resulting from the detection of those different postures.

Related Publication
  • Ken Hinckley, Michel Pahud, Hrvoje Benko, Pourang Irani, Francois Guimbretiere, Marcel Gavriliu1, Xiang 'Anthony' Chen, Fabrice Matulic, Bill Buxton and Andy Wilson, Sensing techniques for tablet+stylus interaction, UIST 2014 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Handheld Devices as Eyes-Free Touch Toolboxes for Pen-Based Interactive Whiteboards

In this project, we investigate how smartphones can be used as portable quick-access toolboxes held by the non-dominant hand to provide assistive touch commands for pen-driven whiteboard tasks. In particular, we consider an eyes-free UI design, which allows users to operate the handheld device in a blind manner, i.e. without having to look at it, thereby allowing them to concentrate on the pen task.

Related Publication
  • Fabrice Matulic, Maria Husmann, Seraiah Walter and Moira C. Norrie, Eyes-Free Touch Command Support for Pen-Based Digital Whiteboards via Handheld Devices, ITS 2015 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Pen-Based Spatial Queries on Interactive Maps

In this work, we present and evaluate a set of pen-based techniques to annotate maps on tablets or interactive tabletops and selectively convert those annotations into spatial queries allowing users to search for points of interests within explicitly or implicitly specified scopes, e.g. look for restaurants, hotels etc. within circled areas or along sketched paths or calculated routes.

Related Publication
  • Fabrice Matulic, David Caspar and Moira C. Norrie, Spatial Querying of Geographical Data with Pen-Input Scopes, ITS 2014 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Document Engineering on Pen and Touch Tabletops

Digital tabletops operated using hybrid pen and touch input provide rich interaction possibilities. As interactive workdesks within the office of the future, they stand to support knowledge workers in a number of productivity tasks, many of which are likely to involve documents. This project aims to leverage the potential of those systems to support document-centric activities, especially the editing and authoring of documents. In particular, the practicality of post-WIMP designs based on bimanual gestures is explored.

Related Publications
  • Fabrice Matulic, Towards Document Engineering on Pen and Touch-Operated Interactive Tabletops, ETH PhD Thesis 2014 (Thesis: pdf)

  • Fabrice Matulic and Moira C. Norrie, Pen and Touch Gestural Environment for Document Editing on Interactive Tabletops, ITS 2013 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

  • Fabrice Matulic, Beyond WIMP: Designing NUIs to Support Productivity Document Tasks, CHI 2013 Workshop "Blended Interaction" (Extended Abstract: pdf)

  • Fabrice Matulic, Moira C. Norrie, Ihab Al Kabary and Heiko Schuldt, Gesture-Supported Document Creation on Pen and Touch Tabletops, CHI 2013 Works in Progress (Extended Abstract: pdf)

  • Fabrice Matulic, Towards Document Engineering on Pen and Touch-Operated Interactive Tabletops, Doctoral Symposium of UIST 2012 (Extended Abstract: pdf)

  • Fabrice Matulic and Moira C. Norrie, Supporting Active Reading on Pen and Touch-Operated Tabletops, AVI 2012 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

The active reading application was also featured twice on national Swiss TV (SF 1):

Also check this UML diagram creation tool some of my students developed in a lab project: Youtube video

Properties of Pen and Touch Input

Combined bimanual pen and touch input is a relatively new interaction paradigm with promising prospects. Its properties are not yet well understood and hence merit to be studied. This project experimentally investigates and reports on some important issues of pen and touch input on horizontal surfaces, including aspects of speed, accuracy and coordination.

Related Publication
  • Fabrice Matulic and Moira C. Norrie, Empirical Evaluation of Uni- and Bimodel Pen and Touch Interaction Properties on Digital Tabletops, ITS 2012 (Paper: pdf, video: video)

Adaptive Web-Page Layout for Large Screens

The vast majority of web pages adapt very poorly to large displays, especially widescreens. We propose techniques to produce and evaluate adaptive web pages using web standards (and especially features of HTML5 and CSS3). We address issues such as multi-column layouts, scale-dependent element selection and positioning, font size, line lengths etc.

Related Publications
  • Michael Nebeling, Fabrice Matulic, Lucas Streit and Moira C. Norrie, Adaptive Layout Template for Effective Web Content Presentation in Large-Screen Contexts, DocEng 2011 (Paper: pdf)

  • Michael Nebeling, Fabrice Matulic and Moira C. Norrie, Metrics for the Evaluation of News Site Content Layout in Large-Screen Contexts, CHI 2011 (Paper: pdf)

Automatic Extraction of Visually Salient Pages of Large Documents

This technique attempts to automatically select a given number of pages from a document that visually "stand out" with a view to including them in a document list with thumbnails of sample pages (e.g. a catalogue or an online book store). The algorithm considers a set of low-level features such as element block sizes and tone saliency to determine pages that are more likely to attract attention. A smoothing function is available to inject some level of spread in the culling process.

Related Publications
  • Fabrice Matulic, Image-Based Technique To Select Visually Salient Pages In Large Documents, JDIM 7(5) 2009 (Paper: pdf)

  • Fabrice Matulic, Automatic Selection of Visually Attractive Pages for Thumbnail Display in Document List View, ICDIM 2008 (Paperpdf)

Touch Scan-n-Search: A Touchscreen Interface To Retrieve Online Versions of Scanned Documents

This system tackles the problem of finding online content based on paper documents through an intuitive touchscreen interface designed for modern scanners and multifunction printers. Touch Scan-n-Search allows the user to select elements of a scanned document (e.g. a newspaper article) and seamlessly connect to common web search services in order to retrieve the online version of the document along with related content. This is achieved by automatically extracting keyphrases from text elements in the document (obtained by OCR) and creating tappable GUI widgets to allow the user to control and fine-tune the search requests.

Related Publications

SmartPublisher - Document Creation on Pen-Based Systems Via Document Element Reuse

SmartPublisher is a powerful, all-in-one application for pen-based devices with which users can quickly and intuitively create new documents by reusing individual image and text elements acquired from analogue and/or digital documents. The application is especially targeted at scanning devices with touch screen operating panels or tablet PCs connected to them (e.g. modern multifunction printers with large touch screen displays), as one of its main purposes is reuse of material obtained from scanned paper documents.

Related Publications
Document Layout Recognition and Template Matching

This system allows the user to draw rough frames with a stylus or use a scanned drawing to create placeholders for content to be inserted in (e.g. photos for a photo album). Based on the hand-drawn shapes, queries to search for matching templates can also be issued. The user can then select an appropriate template and automatically map content to its placeholders.

Related Publications

Advanced UI for Efficient Document Element Transfer on High-End Multifunction Printers

This application designed for pen-operated multifunction printers integrates 2 modules that support users to send and share elements of scanned documents. The advanced scan2E-Mail function allows users to send only the desired portion of the scanned document as well as extracted text directly in the E-Mail body. The size and compression level of the sent content can also be adapted to the target recipient device (e.g. a mobile phone). The second module gives users the possibility to gather and send document elements to their work PC. The contents appear in a sidebar from which they can be dragged and dropped into desktop applications such as a word processor.

Related Publications

Printing Web Pages with Embedded Videos

Attempting to print a web page with embedded multimedia content with a standard web browser will at best return a printout with a single frame in lieu of the video. This technique, meant as a browser plugin, extracts a number of relevant frames to be included in the printout to recover some of the lost context of the video. The result is a document containing strips of representative movie frames at the location of the video or at the end of the document.

Related Publication

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Interactive Animated Document Icons

Interactive Animated Document Icons or IADIs are full documents rendered in thumbnail size to be integrated in document lists or file browsers. Pages of an IADI can be "turned" following a user-defined trigger (mouse hover, wheel or keyboard). A magnifying function is also available to zoom the pages for quick previews.

Related Publications

Automatic Document Compiler

The goal of this project is to provide a comprehensive solution to gather and aggregate content relevant to the user from heterogeneous sources (e.g. news articles about a particular topic) and compile the elements into a single coherent document with an appropriate layout. Several criteria are considered to define the constraints used to produce the layout: user preferences, target medium constraints, aesthetic layout rules and semantic similarity between items.

Related Publications

Document Element Extraction and Search

This work deals with the extraction of document components from existing office documents in order to populate a database of reusable elements. Those elements can then be retrieved via an ad hoc web interface (using keywords, but also content-based searching) and inserted into new documents.

Related Publications

Peer-reviewed publications

  • Fabrice Matulic, Taiga Kashima, Deniz Beker, Daichi Suzuo, Hiroshi Fujiwara and Daniel Vogel, Above-Screen Fingertip Tracking with a Phone in Virtual Reality, Proc. Graphics Interface (GI 2024), Halifax, NS, Canada, May 2024: pdf

  • Wataru Kawabe, Taisuke Hashimoto, Fabrice Matulic, Takeo Igarashi, Keita Higuchi. Interactive Material Annotation on 3D Scanned Models leveraging Color-Material Correlation, SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Technical Communications: pdf

  • Kotaro Oomori, Wataru Kawabe, Fabrice Matulic, Takeo Igarashi, Keita Higuchi. Interactive 3D Annotation of Objects in Moving Videos from Sparse Multi-view Frames, Proc. of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 7, Issue ISS (ISS 2023), Pittsburgh, USA, November 2023: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel, Pen+Touch+Midair: Cross-Space Hybrid Bimanual Interaction on Horizontal Surfaces in Virtual Reality, Proc. Graphics Interface (GI 2023), Victoria, BC, Canada, May 2023: pdf

  • Yen-Ting Yeh, Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel, Phone Sleight of Hand: Finger-Based Dexterous Gestures for Physical Interaction with Mobile Phones, Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023), Hamburg, Germany, April 2023: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Taiga Kashima, Deniz Beker, Daichi Suzuo, Hiroshi Fujiwara and Daniel Vogel, Above-Screen Fingertip Tracking with a Phone in Virtual Reality, Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI 2023 Late Breaking Work), Hamburg, Germany, April 2023: pdf

  • Keita Higuchi, Taiyo Mizuhashi, Fabrice Matulic and Takeo Igarashi, Interactive Generation of Image Variations for Copy-Paste Data Augmentation, Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI 2023 Late Breaking Work), Hamburg, Germany, April 2023: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel, Terrain Modelling with a Pen & Touch Tablet and Mid-Air Gestures in Virtual Reality, Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI 2022 Late Breaking Work), New Orleans, USA, April 2022: pdf

  • Nalin Chhibber, Hemant Bhaskar Surale, Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel, Typealike: Near-Keyboard Hand Postures for Expanded Laptop Interaction, Proc. of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 5, Issue ISS (ISS 2021), Łódź, Poland, November 2021 (Honourable Mention Award): pdf

  • Terence Dickson, Rina R. Wehbe, Fabrice Matulic, Daniel Vogel, HybridPointing for Touch: Switching Between Absolute and Relative Pointing on Large Touch Screens, Proc. of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 5, Issue ISS (ISS 2021), Łódź, Poland, November 2021: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel, Deep Learning-Based Hand Posture Recognition for Pen Interaction Enhancement, Artificial Intelligence for Human Computer Interaction: A Modern Approach, Springer HCIS 2021: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Aditya Ganeshan, Hiroshi Fujiwara and Daniel Vogel, Phonetroller: Visual Representations of Fingers for Precise Touch Input with Mobile Phones in VR, Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021), Yokohama, Japan, May 2021: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Riku Arakawa, Brian Vogel and Daniel Vogel, PenSight: Enhanced Interaction with a Pen-Top Camera, Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020), Honolulu, HI, USA, April 2020 (Best Paper Award): pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Brian Vogel, Naoki Kimura and Daniel Vogel, Eliciting Pen-Holding Postures for General Input with Suitability for EMG Armband Detection, Proc. ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2019), Deajeon, Republic of Korea, November 2019: pdf

  • Hemant Bhaskar Surale, Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel, Experimental Analysis of Barehand Mid-air Mode-Switching Techniques in Virtual Reality, Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 2019 (Honourable Mention Award): pdf

  • Naoya Yoshimura, Hironori Yoshida, Fabrice Matulic and Takeo Igarashi, Extending Discrete Verbal Commands with Continuous Speech for Flexible Robot Control, Proc. Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 2019: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Yuta Kikuchi and Jason Naradowsky, Enabling Customer-Driven Learning and Customisation Processes for ML-Based Domestic Robots, HCML Perspectives Workshop at Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 2019: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, ColourAIze: AI-Driven Colourisation of Paper Drawings with Interactive Projection System, Proc. ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2018), Tokyo, Japan, November 2018: pdf

  • Drini Cami, Fabrice Matulic, Richard G. Calland, Brian Vogel, Daniel Vogel, Unimanual Pen+Touch Input Using Variations of Precision Grip Postures, Proc. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2018), Berlin, Germany, October 2018: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Daniel Vogel, Multiray: Multi-Finger Raycasting for Large Displays, Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), Montréal, QC, Canada, April 2018 (Honourable Mention Award): pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Daniel Vogel and Raimund Dachselt, Hand Contact Shape Recognition for Posture-Based Tabletop Widgets and Interaction, Proc. ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2017), Brighton, UK, October 2017: pdf

  • Hemant Bhaskar Surale, Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel, Experimental Analysis of Mode Switching Techniques in Touch-based User Interfaces, Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017), Denver, CO, USA, May 2017: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Lars Engeln, Christoph Träger and Raimund Dachselt, Embodied Interactions for Novel Immersive Presentational Experiences, Proc. Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016), San Jose, CA, USA, May 2016: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Wolfgang Büschel, Michael Ying Yang, Stephan Ihrke, Anmol Ramraika, Carsten Rother and Raimund Dachselt, Smart Ubiquitous Projection: Discovering Surfaces for the Projection of Adaptive Content, Proc. Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016), San Jose, CA, USA, May 2016: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Maria Husmann, Seraiah Walter and Moira C. Norrie, Eyes-Free Touch Command Support for Pen-Based Digital Whiteboards via Handheld Devices, Proc. ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2015 Conference (ITS 2015), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, November 2015: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Ulrich von Zadow and Raimund Dachselt, Interaction Design for Large Vertical vs. Horizontal Displays: Open Issues, Workshop on Interaction on Large Displays at ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2015 Conference (ITS 2015), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, November 2015: pdf

  • Ulrike Kister, Patrick Reipschläger, Fabrice Matulic and Raimund Dachselt, BodyLenses – Embodied Magic Lenses and Personal Territories for Wall Displays, Proc. ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2015 Conference (ITS 2015), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, November 2015: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, David Caspar and Moira C. Norrie, Spatial Querying of Geographical Data with Pen-Input Scopes, Proc. ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2014 Conference (ITS 2014), Dresden, Germany, November 2014: pdf

  • Ken Hinckley, Michel Pahud, Hrvoje Benko, Pourang Irani, François Guimbretière, Marcel Gavriliu, Xiang 'Anthony' Chen, Fabrice Matulic, Bill Buxton and Andy Wilson, Sensing Techniques for Tablet+Stylus Interaction, Proc. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2014), Honolulu, HI, USA, October 2014 (Best Paper Award): pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Towards Document Engineering on Pen and Touch-Operated Interactive Tabletops, ETH PhD Thesis 2014: pdf

  • Ihab Al Kabary, Ivan Giangreco, Heiko Schuldt, Fabrice Matulic and Moira C. Norrie, QUEST: Towards a Multi-Modal CBIR Framework Combining Query-by-Example, Query-by-Sketch, and Text Search, Proc. 9th IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (IEEE MIPR2013), Anaheim CA, USA, December 2013 : pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic and Moira C. Norrie, Pen and Touch Gestural Environment for Document Editing on Interactive Tabletops, Proc. ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2013 Conference (ITS 2013), St Andrews, Scotland, UK, October 2013: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Beyond WIMP: Designing NUIs to Support Productivity Document Tasks, Blended Interaction, Envisioning Future Collaborative Interactive Spaces, CHI 2013 Workshop, Paris, France, April 2013: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Moira C. Norrie, Ihab Al Kabary and Heiko Schuldt, Gesture-Supported Document Creation on Pen and Touch Tabletops, CHI 2013 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Works-in-Progress, Paris, France, April 2013: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic and Moira C. Norrie, Empirical Evaluation of Uni- and Bimodel Pen and Touch Interaction Properties on Digital Tabletops, Proc. ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces Conference (ITS 2012), Cambridge (MA), USA, November 2012: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Towards Document Engineering on Pen and Touch-Operated Interactive Tabletops, Doctoral Symposium of the 25th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2012), Cambridge (MA), USA, October 2012: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic and Moira C. Norrie, Supporting Active Reading on Pen and Touch-Operated Tabletops, Proc. International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2012), Capri Island, Italy, May 2012: pdf

  • Michael Nebeling, Fabrice Matulic, Lucas Streit and Moira C. Norrie, Adaptive Layout Template for Effective Web Content Presentation in Large-Screen Contexts, Proc. 2011 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2011), Mountain View, CA, USA, September 2011: pdf

  • Michael Nebeling, Fabrice Matulic and Moira C. Norrie, Metrics for the Evaluation of News Site Content Layout in Large-Screen Contexts, Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2011), Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2011 (Honorable Mention Award): pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Image-Based Technique To Select Visually Salient Pages In Large Documents, Journal of Digital Information Management, Vol. 7, Issue 5, Oct. 2009: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Automatic Selection of Visually Attractive Pages for Thumbnail Display in Document List View, Proc. Third International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2008), London, UK: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, Touch Scan-n-Search: A Touchscreen Interface To Retrieve Online Versions of Scanned Documents, Proc. 2007 ACM symposium on Document engineering (DocEng 2007), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: pdf

  • Fabrice Matulic, SmartPublisher - Document Creation on Pen-Based Systems Via Document Element Reuse, Proc. 2006 ACM symposium on Document engineering (DocEng 2006), Amsterdam, The Netherlands: pdf


9060085 Image forming apparatus, electronic mail delivery server, and information processing apparatus
An image forming apparatus includes an information delivery apparatus including an analysis unit and a first display controller. The analysis unit analyzes data to extract data elements. The first...
8726178 Device, method, and computer program product for information retrieval
An information retrieval device includes an area splitting unit that splits the input information into a plurality of subareas by each information attribute, an extracting unit that extracts a...
US20120224232 Image Forming Apparatus, Electronic Mail Delivery Server, and Information Processing Apparatus
An image forming apparatus includes an information delivery apparatus including an analysis unit and a first display controller. The analysis unit analyzes data to extract data elements. The first...
An image processing apparatus obtains image data of a document in response to an instruction from a user, and processes and outputs the image data thus obtained. The image processing apparatus...
8201072 Image forming apparatus, electronic mail delivery server, and information processing apparatus
An image forming apparatus includes an information delivery apparatus including an analysis unit and a first display controller. The analysis unit analyzes data to extract data elements. The first...
8165404 Method and apparatus for creating document data, and computer program product
In an apparatus for creating document data, an acquiring unit acquires a handwritten figure; and a recognizing unit converts the handwritten figure acquired by the acquiring unit into a specific...
8139257 Document editing apparatus, image forming apparatus, document editing method, and computer program product
An area identifying unit separates input image data into each image area. An editing unit performs an editing process on the input image data in units of separated image area. An operation...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To partially output confidential information desired by a user who instructs to output the confidential information, while prohibiting the confidential information from being...
An image processing apparatus obtains image data of a document in response to an instruction from a user, and processes and outputs the image data thus obtained. The image processing apparatus...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an information processor, a symbol display method and a symbol display program, displaying a symbol whose content can be easily and speedily confirmed without...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an information processor which creates a document file in consideration of association between contents, and to provide an image forming apparatus, a document...
US20090183114 Information processing apparatus and computer program product
A storing unit stores therein a symbol of the data file. The symbol includes image information of the data file and attribute information of the data file indicating the attribute of the data...
US20090180126 Information processing apparatus, method of generating document, and computer-readable recording medium
In an information processing apparatus, when input of content information is received, a content extracting unit extracts a plurality of contents each including the content information from among...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a document data creating apparatus, which can easily create presentable document data, and a document data creating method and a document data creating...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To facilitate reuse of a data object by allowing retrieval of the data object contained in document data.SOLUTION: This document use support device has a document acquisition...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To generate data for printing of document data with moving image data embedded within so as to display contents of the moving image data in clear and in detail by using still...
In an apparatus for creating document data, an acquiring unit acquires a handwritten figure; and a recognizing unit converts the handwritten figure acquired by the acquiring unit into a specific...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a document retrieving device for retrieving and acquiring digital information via a database device on a network, based on input information.SOLUTION: This...
An information retrieval device includes an area splitting unit that splits the input information into a plurality of subareas by each information attribute, an extracting unit that extracts a...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an image retrieval apparatus for extracting the whole image of an image or an image having high similarity out of partial images of the image by...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To extract a document component from document information to be input and deliver the document component in an information delivery system, and to display the document...
US20070230778 Image forming apparatus, electronic mail delivery server, and information processing apparatus
An image forming apparatus includes an information delivery apparatus including an analysis unit and a first display controller. The analysis unit analyzes data to extract data elements. The first...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an E-mail preparation device which prepares an E-mail satisfying constraints by converting image information included in the E-mail based on the constraints....
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a convenient email editing device, for inputting and displaying document information and editing email therefrom while displaying the content on a screen....
In an electronic mail editing device, an analyzing unit analyzes attribute of input data to extract data elements. A display unit displays an input window in which the original input data is...
US20070133074 Document editing apparatus, image forming apparatus, document editing method, and computer program product
An area identifying unit separates input image data into each image area. An editing unit performs an editing process on the input image data in units of separated image area. An operation...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a document editing apparatus to immediately display an edited image to which a process is applied by displaying an input image data and by conducting an editing...

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1-6-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 100-0004

fabrice.matulic [at] uwaterloo [dot] ca